Episode 7
Finding Your Perfect Audience: How to Identify Your Ideal Client
In this episode of Mystic Marketing, Jill Hart and Jay Matta take a deep dive into one of the most important aspects of building a successful spiritual business—identifying your ideal client or listener. Discover how to connect your purpose with the people who need your message the most. Jay shares the inspiring story behind Gnostic TV, highlighting how it became a platform for spiritual entrepreneurs to amplify their voices and monetize their missions.
Tune in for actionable steps, including creating a "Soul Connection Worksheet," to gain clarity on your audience's struggles, desires, and values. Plus, learn how shared energy and authentic connections can transform your approach to marketing. Don't miss the sneak peek at an exciting new tool coming soon to the Gnostic TV Network!
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Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Your ideal client
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: or listener isn't just someone who stumbles across your messaging. It's someone who needs what you're uniquely here to share in this episode, we'll show you how to tune into your purpose and to identify those people. You're here to help
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: hey, everybody welcome back to the mystic marketing podcast where we show spiritual entrepreneurs and coaches how to amplify their voice and monetize their mission. I'm, your host, Jill Hart, the coach's alchemist.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and with me today is Jay Mana, the co-founder of the Gnostic TV network.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Welcome Jay.
::April & Jay: Bill, how are you? It's good to be here again, as always.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, today, we're going to do something really kind of different and fun. We're going to be uncovering how to identify your ideal client and then have a sneak peek into how you can leverage Gnostic TV to amplify your message and monetize your mission. So stay tuned until the end, because we're going to be sharing some actionable steps that you can implement today to get you started on really narrowing down to who your ideal client is. So let's dive right in.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And to begin with, we're going to go and have Jay tell us his and April story about how they develop the Gnostic TV network. And why? So it all does start with your why.
::April & Jay: Yeah. So thanks. And again, it's always good to be, you know, here, having this energy exchange with you, and and really just helping people understand the why behind this our purposes, our background is, you know, our
::April & Jay: I guess our previous life, if you would, was insurance financial services, we had a agency, had a lot of reps, 50, like 50 different sales, reps and money lending company. And we realized, though for us at that point in time, and you know everybody's got their own point in time for us. That point in time was, the Internet was coming into existence at that point, and we
::April & Jay: realize that you know the way we're doing business now, albeit very profitable, you know, needs to somehow transcend over to the Internet. And we need to figure that out. So that was back right around 2010. So we sold that started getting into the world of the Internet. And what we found out to be the most effective way. The fastest way for us to navigate this beast
::April & Jay: was to start, to do podcasting, do a show because
::April & Jay: what it allowed for us to do was to start to really like, because this is all new to us, right? So it allowed for us to kind of have a show, but talk to people and like maybe they were a life coach. Maybe they were this, and we'd ask questions. We're like, Well, what do you do. How does that mean like, how does that even work? You know what I mean? We'd so we'd actually, we'd be asking, you know, real core questions at that level.
::April & Jay: you know, unbeknownst to us, kind of interviewing people along the way just really like, what? What could we be doing? So we found out a tremendous amount of information through that long story. Short, we were able to take that model of interviewing people and said, Okay, wait a minute, you know now with that.
::April & Jay: because logically, we looked at it as like, look, you know what? We have a store. Literally, we're creating a store of our own we're creating. How many, ever people are watching us at that time? It was listening to us. Is, they're still paying attention to what we have to say so. This would be a good time to start to introduce products and services. So we started to monetize. We started to get sponsors. And
::April & Jay: what happened through that over time.
::April & Jay: We turn that everybody. It was in that beginning phases. So everybody really wanted to know. Well, how do I make money doing this stuff. How do I? How do I do this? Right? So we
::April & Jay: very quickly became a go to resource for people, for people starting their shows on how they could make money that turned into a consulting business which is
::April & Jay: turned into Gnostic TV. So all of that is transcended into this because our solution was always, look, you know, what if you wanna if you're a coach if you are you know a product provider, you really.
::April & Jay: there's nothing there's nothing more important than being a credible source of information, and that's that goes beyond you just being a guest on other people's show. That's like having your own sandbox. So that was really the purpose of that. And because we recommended that people have so many shows, all those relationships have morphed into Gnostic TV, which is, you know, over 50 different channels. Now.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And it's growing. And we have something so exciting that we're getting ready to introduce for you guys. But we'll save that for the end. So the next
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: piece of this puzzle is to identify the pain points that that you're that you experienced on your journey, and that you recognized. I I can relate to the talking to so many coaches, and you learn so much, but you also see what their struggles are. So you want to expand on, how that played into.
::April & Jay: Well, the way we've the way we've operated Gnostic, and how this played into us is the struggles for our pain points was the technical side of it. I mean, I I started any fun in editing. I didn't knew very little about computers, because we didn't. We didn't use them where we were at. So there was not a lot of that going on so anything related to editing or graphics, or anything like that. I just my mind would completely shut down. And then I also realized, well, that's not necessarily even my gift.
::April & Jay: you know. So what I started to do, and the big thing we do is to tell people along the way. If you're gonna be. If you were a coach.
::April & Jay: if you are a
::April & Jay: you know you're you're a consultant of any sorts, and because I see a lot of what gets people stuck is they try to develop their own stuff, you know their own websites, their own things, and that takes that takes them off of their what they really got into it before. Next thing you know, they're they're doing editing, they're doing web design. And they're not really focusing in on what they're what the purpose of them having a podcast. So
::April & Jay: my favorite word to tell people is to outsource. If it's not your thing, get someone else to do it. You'll be better served that you do everything that everything that takes you off of your your messaging, your energy exchange, because that's what people are feeling right. They when they come to watch you or listen to you. They're feeling the energy. And if you start to go into different, too many different things like unlike, said the editing, and the things like that which I don't do
::April & Jay: you know. Then I think that throws you off. So we created again. You know, we saw the pain points of being there. So we developed a business around, help and solve that for people, you know, and making it very easy for them to come on in and just plug and play, and just start talking and hit a record button and go.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. And that's that's a beautiful thing. And I'm going to point out here that it's often cheaper just to hire a professional than to try to figure it all out for yourself in time and actually in money. It is just cheaper to hire somebody that knows what they're doing. So the next piece of this puzzle is emotions drive connection.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So you need to go beyond what
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: what you're just providing and help them to have a real feel a connection with you.
::April & Jay: Yeah, yeah, they they way beyond that. Because remember, they're never buying. They're not.
::April & Jay: They're not really buying your coaching services. They're buying, you know they're not buying your products. They're not buying that they're buying the way you make them feel. You know that's what they're doing, whatever you're doing, whether you're on a show, or they're listening to you somehow, some way that's transmitting through the airwaves. And they're feeling that they're getting something that gets in their
::April & Jay: core. So good for you to be able to deliver that message. But just understand that you're the product, not the product that you're selling, and you start to you start to realize that. And you start to understand that they're buying you. You're not your shiny object.
::April & Jay: Then you'll start to realize that you know it changes the dynamics of how you communicate your messaging too.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And really the emotional connection you're it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It's almost a two-way street, because as people start to connect with you, even though it's over the airwaves. You feel it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you can feel it in return. So the next or the next piece of this is that you need to tap into your shared values. People are drawn to others who share their worldview aspirations. So like, we highlight values like spiritual growth, healing empowerment. My personal core values are peace, integrity, and abundance for all. So
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: how did how did that play into the development of Gnostic, the Gnostic TV network.
::April & Jay: Gnostic TV network is, you know, it's all of that. A lot of that. But the biggest focus of it is, you know, we want to live in a peaceful world, and we want to help people out. But the biggest focus of Gnostic is really a prosperity driven network. It's really for those who say, I want to make some money. You know I live in this 3rd dimensional world. I understand that we're multidimensional beings, but right now I can wherever I'm at, I can touch and feel myself. And so.
::April & Jay: you know, I live here. So I need to play within these guidelines. It's for those who want to master this 3rd dimensional. That's what Gnostic TV. So it's the ancient wisdoms we imagine, meaning where you share your message. And you reinterpret it in today's world if you would. 2024
::April & Jay: so it's more relevant if you would, but also learning how to make money at that, monetizing, that creating multiple streams of income. So that platform Gnostic is really designed for those who want to soar, not only get their message out, but mainly to get, you know. Just say, look, this is it I wanna I wanna do something here. I want to give this a real go. So we support that we work with the the content creators very closely
::April & Jay: to figure out what it is they're they're number one. They're they're in it for. Why they want to do it. But also really ways that what they could be missing to really help them catapult and
::April & Jay: look. We live in an unlimited world of abundance show. I mean, it is what it is. Some people just there's a small percentage of people that know how to tap the vein. And they they seem to get it. But that doesn't mean that's the only money available. It's not like everybody's got that money and nobody. And that's it. All the money's done, it's still, it's still around. It's just. It's just learning how to tap those sources and and understanding the the
::April & Jay: if if we live in multi, if you, if you, you know, and I think our audience will react to this or or appreciate this. But if we live in
::April & Jay: the essence of a multi-dimensional reality. Then it makes sense that we should have multiple streams of income.
::April & Jay: you know, not just one that's insane. Just to have one stream of income in today's world. So you know, we're really, gonna that's that's a lot of the.
::April & Jay: you know. I guess a drum were beating. If you would.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And it's it's so true when you say that you need to have more than one stream of income, it's like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: by by limiting yourself to only one stream of income you're telling the universe, hey? I'm not open to to receiving abundance from any avenue that you want to send it to me, and it it stops you from being grateful for the little things that come along, that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you know you find a penny. I found a penny the other day was so exciting to me. Shiny copper penny, you don't. You don't see coins very often anymore, not like when I was young you'd see them all the time, but it's it's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it's moving into that more. I'm I'm grateful for everything that's out there, and abundance can come in all kinds of forms. But we're specifically talking about
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: money, and money is its own frequency. And there's there's an unlimited amount of it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Just look at our national debt. I mean, that should tell you
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: that it's not limited. It can always grow more.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I don't know, maybe, but he does grow on trees.
::April & Jay: It really does. And I think the thing that intimidates people when you think about multiple streams of income is multiple jobs. And that's not the case. If you have your own show, and that's the beauty of having your own show. You can have one show scheduled at one time and still create multiple sources of income from that. So you can have 4 or 5 as many streams of income as you want.
::April & Jay: but not have that many related jobs, if you would, because, remember, think of it again as a store, not as another job people are walking in. They're saying, Well, I like their help of wellness. I like this. I like their you know, their their id protection, whatever that may be for you. You know they they kind of pick what it is, but the the whole essence behind it is they're walking into your store because they know, like and trust you so they're more inclined to buy you. So listen, it's just be smart about it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And it's evergreen content that goes up there.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So the next part is be specific without limiting. So when you narrow your focus on your message down to
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: maybe even just one person that you're talking to.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Other people will resonate with that because you're you're really clear about what you're saying.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So how did how did you work that into the Gnostic.
::April & Jay: Well, I know for us. Gnostic TV, I mean our, our
::April & Jay: our target, if you would, or the people that we generally spend most of the time, whether in the spiritual, you know mystical genre. If you would ie. Mystical marketing, podcast you know but they're really more along those lines. They believe in the multi dimensional. So you know, from our the way we can help people is
::April & Jay: is by, you know, utilizing, you know, the universe. If you would, attracting things into our life. Multidimensional things in our lives, go into our future selves, go into our past selves, go into a multi-dimensional version of ourselves. So unless you understand or align with that language, if you wouldn't, none of this would make sense. But if you understand that, hey, you know what we are. We are, you know, spiritual beings in this human body right now. So we're
::April & Jay: we're all of it, and nothing all going on at the same time. Then we can draw from everywhere, and and that's what the whole premise of it. So that's where we come in, so that I believe that
::April & Jay: for us it's been more long again. And and it's it's really good when you attract people in your life that you know. Resonate with the messaging, or you have a resonance, together with the types of messaging, because then it no longer feels like it's a job or work, if you would, it's a it starts to be more and more feel like you're the per, the proverbial purpose that people are looking for.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And do you find that it makes it easier
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: for everybody when everybody is kind of in the same flow?
::April & Jay: Yeah. Oh, gosh, yeah. Yeah. Because again, if someone doesn't understand, I mean, you know, there's some amazing people in here. And look, we're all. That's the whole thing. And and I think we, you know, as human beings, you know, one of the things I've learned is that
::April & Jay: everybody's got their own journey. Everybody's got their yeah. There's groups of us that align. And you know, there's and maybe the the alignments are different with different groups, whether it be, you know, extreme religious you know, spiritual, you know. Maybe you know whatever that your topic is. But that's good. Find your group, whatever you do. There's no, I don't. I don't believe they're right or wrong scenario on that. I believe it's just a matter of you know.
::April & Jay: And I say this all the time. It's like, you know, we got to find our vibrational match that's at the end of the day, and then, really, you should be looking for the same thing. You should be looking for your vibrational match. People who get you at not the surface level, because that's anybody can get you at the surface level. It's getting you to the core. And it's really understanding getting to speak to your spirit, having your higher consciousness and their higher consciousness speak at that level to be able to make sure that when a solution comes up for you here
::April & Jay: in this 3rd dimensional construct, it's applied, you know, with best practices. And and that's where that's, you know. If you understand. If you understand it from that perspective, then it's going to take a lot of the
::April & Jay: that construct of the 3D. Out of it, and and help people more and more understand the aspect that we are multidimensional. We can, we can manifest whatever we want.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That's so so magical. I I just love that about the universe we live in.
::April & Jay: Yeah, that's pretty cool.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: It is really cool. So when it comes to thinking about your ideal client or listener.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: we we need to
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: take into consideration what kinds of questions that they're asking right now what? What keeps your customers up at night?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: What problems are they trying to solve? And I think I know the answer to this one.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: but I'll let you share with how Gnostic TV.
::April & Jay: Well, I mean, a lot of the people wanting shows. And you know, problems they're trying. And you know, like, like a lot of what you're talking about. A lot of spiritual life coaches, consultants, you know.
::April & Jay: you know, they're looking for more clients, right? And they're looking for more visibility. I mean, I think you know. So
::April & Jay: the way to do that is to be again kind of getting back to what we spoke about earlier is to be in a be in a place where you have the you have the people that have your customers, for example, like, you know.
::April & Jay: agnostic.
::April & Jay: those customers, whether you're a psychic, an astrologer, or a numerologist or a healer. Chances are the customers are pretty relevant to you. They understand what you're saying. So it's it's really making sure that you know you find a place where your potential customers there and then, also.
::April & Jay: really, importantly, is to collaborate with other content creators that that maybe do different work that you do, but have your customer base. You know what I mean, because now they can endorse you, and that's a pretty big deal, because they've already done a lot of that work, and maybe you endorse them. And maybe you work out a, you know arrangement with them on those kind of cross endorsements. That's the reality of that work right there. So it's finding people who have your ideal customer getting into a world where your ideal customers live and then just start going.
::April & Jay: You know. Yeah, I think I think a lot of people they get caught up into. Well, I'm over here. I'm over here. I'm a 9 million different places and platforms. And again, you know, it's kind of like there's just no real concentration
::April & Jay: on on any one thing. And so when you're not concentrated, you know, if you give it, if you can't give anything 100, you're not going to get 100,
::April & Jay: you just won't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. And it's so easy to do that when
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: when we have the Internet and we have all these different social media platforms, it's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it's easy to to get spread so thin that you forget what your messaging is about, and you forget how to connect with the individual people. And again it goes back to doing everything yourself.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I think one of the things that I see about Gnostic TV is that it's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you have a team. So you allow people that come on the Gnostic TV network to leverage your team
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: to do, to keep the messaging consistent
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and to actually reach a huge audience because you guys are really the the network itself is very well networked out there. So many people see what what's being presented.
::April & Jay: Yeah, it. It really is we. Again, it's pain points for us. We've done the work for you. And that's what we want to do is we? Wanna we wanna say, look, you know, how can we be of service to the content Creator out there? Let them just be their messenger that they want to be, and that's
::April & Jay: simple as that. Well, we understand your pain points. So we address them. We have enough. We have enough business knowledge to understand where to address them, and who to go to for that. So.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Perfect. And then the last. The last point that we want you to think about is the energy connection.
::April & Jay: Cause. It's all about energy. Baby.
::April & Jay: Yeah, yeah, it's it's all about energy. And we're all energy. And and you know.
::April & Jay: when you're when you're talking or working with someone. I mean, it's like, you know, like a lot of times when I go to make a decision
::April & Jay: a lot of times I do this I'll go to my higher consciousness, the higher version of me, if you would, or a different version of me. That's where I go to, because that's the voice I feel like I can trust the most. And that's just my own personal view, right? So you know. But I always have that conversation even before I'll go to bed. If I'm making a decision.
::April & Jay: I'll go there. I'll be like, okay, I'll say something along the lines that trigger. Whatever triggers my connection to there is, you know. Let's do this, or Hey, I'm looking for this, and you know, and you learn to trust yourself at that level when you wake up. Now you get the information, and then all of a sudden you get the answers for what you're looking for. That's energy right there. And when you do that, then you can project it from a very.
::April & Jay: from a very different place, because the idea behind this whole exercise is going to be that.
::April & Jay: especially that again, being the spiritual community here, if you would, you're gonna understand the fact of like, you know, the idea behind. This thing is that we're unattached to the outcome of what's happening here, where? Yes, of course, we're talking about our goods and services and everything. That's how we survive in this world. But we're doing it from a place of
::April & Jay: consciousness, you know, like we bought this
::April & Jay: and intentions. And this is this is the information we have that we feel will help you in this 3rd dimensional construct, that we're in a present right now, and approaching it from that perspective versus look at my shiny object, or you know that so energy is going to be big. So you know, I always tell people, just especially when you're communicating, especially if you're let's be real. I mean, if you're if you're in business, you're selling something, and if you are either a transparent about that, you're selling something. But if you're not, that's, you know. Be, you know. Think about.
::April & Jay: you know, whatever you're communicating a benefit, or you want someone to buy your product. Is that the way you would talk to your best friend about them.
::April & Jay: your closest confidant? And if it's generally not, if the answer is no, then I would start over and make sure you tweak your communication, because people will feel that energy.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. And and that's a really important point, because you are talking to your next best friend.
::April & Jay: Yeah, yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You're you're going to have an energy exchange with whoever becomes your client and they will.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: They're going to beyond just paying you. They're going to give you a piece of their life.
::April & Jay: They're gonna give you a piece of their life. They're gonna give you a piece of their spirit because they trust you. And then that's it. So just, you know, when you can.
::April & Jay: when you can connect with them energetically.
::April & Jay: then you keep the ego and the emotions out of it, and then things happen organically. Everybody's really clear. Everybody's good. The nobody's holding anybody that just crazy. You know, levels of expectations because they have. Everybody knows where everybody's coming from, you know it's a much healthier way to do business.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Oh, I couldn't agree more.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So let's give you some actionable steps now that you can take right this minute, so get out your piece of paper, or open your notepad on your phone or laptop, or whatever you're listening to us on. And we're going to create the soul connection worksheet right here in real time. So the 1st thing I want you to do is list 3 struggles you've overcome or challenges you've helped others with.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And then next, I want you to write down the type of person who would benefit from hearing your story.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and then imagine what their daily life looks like. What are they thinking? What are they feeling, and what are they searching for?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And then the next piece is.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: how would you? How would they describe their biggest frustration, and what would their dream outcome be
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: using their own words?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Not your words, but their words.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So once you complete these 4 exercises, little questions.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you should have a pretty good idea of who your ideal client is.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and how you can structure your messaging to help them.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So remember your ideal listener isn't a stranger. It's someone who resonates with your purpose, your story, the transformation you provide, and by turning
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: into your own journey you're going to naturally attract the people who are waiting for exactly what you have to share. So come, join us on Mondays at 2 Pm. Mountain for the monetize your message, live and interactive workshop.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: where we help you in real time set up your business to create a steady stream of income. And Jay and I are introducing something really new and exciting to leverage the power of the Gnostic TV network to amplify your message and monetize your mission, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: we're going to save the rollout for this until the next episode. So you're going to want to come back and hear about this. But we will be talking about it over in our community in the meantime, and you're welcome to join us there@facebook.com forward, slash groups forward, slash mystic marketing, and we're looking forward to chatting with you next time when we talk about how
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: how to clarify your unique value in the marketplace. Well, see you then.
::April & Jay: Thank you. Everybody.