Episode 9
Building Foundations: The 7 Keys to Crafting an Irresistible Offer and Amplifying Your Voice
In this episode of the Mystic Marketing Podcast, Jill Hart, The Coach's Alchemist, and Jay Mata, co-founder of Gnostic TV, dive into the essentials of creating a thriving online business. We’ll break down the two foundational elements you need—an irresistible offer and an engaged audience—and how to align them with your purpose.
Discover the 7 parts of an irresistible offer and learn how to leverage Anthologies Reimagined, a unique video-based storytelling platform on Gnostic TV, to amplify your message and connect with the right clients.
Jay shares valuable insights on avoiding common mistakes entrepreneurs make, why you are the most important part of your offer, and how storytelling can transform your business into a magnet for success. Plus, we reveal a monetization mechanism designed to help you grow your income while staying aligned with your mission.
Tune in for actionable steps to:
✨ Craft a compelling, client-attracting offer.
✨ Build a simple funnel that converts.
✨ Leverage podcasting and video anthologies to expand your reach.
💡 Ready to get started? Join our Monetize Your Message Workshop and gain the clarity and tools you need to elevate your business today!
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Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: What if setting up the foundation, I have to pause it?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: What if starting an online business was simpler than you think
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: today? We're breaking it down to the 2 essentials.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: an irresistible offer and an engaged audience. Unless we're revealing how anthologies are reimagined. Can skyrocket your momentum
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: once you've actually nailed the basics. Hi, and welcome to the mystic marketing. Podcast helping. You amplify your voice and monetize your message
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: joining me today is the co-founder of Gnostic TV, Jay, Mata.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and I'm Jill Hart, the coaches alchemist. And today we're going to be talking about foundations and fundamentals of an online business that actually bring in clients and income.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: We've discussed the importance of starting with a clear purpose and vision in our prior episodes. So today we'll cover the 2 essentials and offer something of value that solves a specific problem for your audience and an audience, and the people who want and need what you have to offer. So, Jay. Glad you could join me today.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: glad to be joined
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: in your opinion. What are the the common mistakes entrepreneurs make when the when it comes to these 2 essential pieces.
::April & Jay: Well, the number one mistake is they make when it comes to their offer is that they focus in on the product, and they don't realize that they are actually the product. And because whatever they're selling becomes a product, but they don't associate that they think. Let me sell a product. Let me sell a product. Let me sell a product. Let me sell my coach, let me sell my my class, my class, my class, my sessions, my sessions. And so
::April & Jay: I think the biggest thing is that a lot of coaches don't really realize that the people watching you, they're more they don't even really hardly for the most part, most of us don't really remember everything that's being said. We just remember how you made us feel
::April & Jay: right, and and if we vibrate with you, and we like and know and trust you. And I think I think a lot of people putting together these offers, they lose sight of the fact of of really connecting with the people at a very deep level. And you know, no matter how good their programs are, it's just people generally, don't
::April & Jay: you know. I know you're going to talk about the blueprint of everything once they do get to that point which is critical. But I think that, you know, when they start to really realize, wrap their heads around, that they are the product, not the product that they're communicating. That's just a that's a service, if you would, or or an energy that says, Hey, I'll help you in this area, you know, and the minute I think coaches start to realize that. Then I think they'll see a shift in their business. So that's the biggest mistake I see them make.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more, and it's such an easy thing to overlook, especially if you're just starting out, or even if you've been in business for a long time, and you're you're feeling like you're not really making any headway with stuff.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And what would you say makes a great offer.
::April & Jay: Well, I mean, what makes a great offers, I think, is really just to start to
::April & Jay: put together what it is, the something you're passionate number one is to as a coach. And what makes a great offer is something you really want to do too often. I see coaches do something because they do it because it's the money they'll do a. They'll do a 3 month program, or or a 6 month, or a 12 month program, and they'll do it because the money's good at it, and it's but they're not really. They're not really drawn into wanting to do that. You know what I mean. What makes a great offer is whatever you want to do. Remember, if you think about why you became a coach right?
::April & Jay: And for many people it's like second or 3rd or 4th time around in their professional careers. So if you think about why you became it, it's a chance for you to reinvent yourself. It's a chance for you to really do it on your terms. What makes a great offer is you? You are the one that's got to structure this the way you want to do it. So if you say to people, Look, you know what my time is so valuable that I can give you everything I got in 1 h. Then that's your offer, if it's if it is 3 months, and that's 3 months. But again, you know.
::April & Jay: the other things that make great offer. Everybody offers this, I mean, look at what everybody else is doing, and try to do something a little bit different, because, you know, at the end of the day. If you got 100 people and 99 of those offers look the same. What happens is, the consumer says I'm confused. And what happens when you're confused? You do nothing now that's what they're doing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Or or it becomes a price. War.
::April & Jay: Yeah, it becomes a, yeah, yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Race to the bottom.
::April & Jay: Value base. And that's what you gotta. That's it. You're right. That's a that's a that's critical. Right there, it becomes a price. War. Someone's going to someone else for (102) 030-4050 bucks, but they never. You didn't give them a chance.
::April & Jay: Most people don't give them a chance to find out who you are, and we're the real value your human spirit can connect with them. That's what's missing in a lot of this.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, I agree. I agree so much. And we've got a simple
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: 7 part way to create your offer. And this, if you incorporate the things that Jay has been talking about into these 7 core pieces. And you'll see that Number 7 is really it's it's the thing that Jay is talking about here. So the 7 parts are the promise, the price, the process, the value added, the risk removal.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: the urgency, scarcity, and number 7 is the story. So we're going to go back up through these again. And I'm just going to give you a brief overview of what each piece is. And
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I'm going to encourage you to join us in our Monday workshop, monetize your message workshop because we'll be providing a worksheet for you to, or a workbook for you to actually go through and and fill these pieces out, and we'll go into more detail with you. But
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: the promise is, what are you promising to fix for them. What is the solution that you provide? The price is whatever you can say comfortably.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: make it as as high as you can
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: comfortably have come out of your mouth. The process. This is where you list out, how you're going to solve the problem, the modalities, the workshops, the whatever the mechanism is that you're going to use to solve their problem for them.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: This is just for you. You're not going to be telling your clients about this.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: This is just so you know how you're going to achieve the result that you're going to receive achieve the value added. To get to this, you need to take the price that you've come up with in your head.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and then you need to multiply it by 10,
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and then you add enough extras to your program to make the original price a no-brainer.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Then, when it comes to the risk removal, this can be guarantees. But there's also other ways that you can remove risk for people to join to join your your programs.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And that can be like adding pieces for free, low cost trial period. Allow buyers to experience your product or service before committing fully
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: case studies shared testimonials, personalized support, free, one-on-one consultations.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: just stuff that helps them feel like they're really going to be able to succeed at this, because oftentimes the biggest question people have in their own minds is, can I really do this? Will it work for me. It's not that they don't trust you. It's that they don't trust themselves, and you need to really help them. Be able to borrow your confidence
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: to to lock arms with you and get them. The results that they're really trying to get the next part is urgency and scarcity. Why people need to pull the trigger. Now.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: investing is a decision.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and you need to give them a reason to take action with you right now, because, given
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: the fact that most of us are human. Okay, all of us are human. We like to put off decision making unless we have a reason that we have to take advantage of whatever's being put in front of us immediately.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And if you're putting off the decision making, you're not ever going to make the decision, so you can use deadlines, limited spots. Price increases whatever you want, but the thing is, it has to be real. People can feel when you're just creating
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: scarcity for the sake of creating scarcity. You know the whole act now, because it's going away, but you know it's going to be there next week.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: People feel it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And this is the the
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: the very biggest piece of all of these 7 parts. And that's the story, because the story is the emotional connection that ties your offer to the audience. It creates relatability. Trust
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: a deeper understanding of why your offer exists to begin with, and how it aligns with your audience's desires and struggle. A compelling story helps potential buyers see themselves in your journey and makes them feel confident that your solution is the right one for them. So, Jay, why don't you share with us how this piece we've been able to like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: really help a coach's and spiritual entrepreneurs really magnified this part.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You're you're muted hon.
::April & Jay: We have. We have been. We've been working up different strategies to really help, because there's an amazing, there's amazing messengers out there and they they need to be heard and seen.
::April & Jay: And you know we understand, too. It's a very, very competitive world, and competition is very, very good because it creates awareness to it. Now the key is is, how do you stand out? So what we've done is we've created an anthology series for those of you who really want to share your vision
::April & Jay: and really do something different that the other coaches aren't doing. I mean, not not feeling like you're peddling a product really coming across as a as a real, credible source of information. So when someone like a real, trustworthy advisor and again, remember when you get to that point. It really just doesn't matter what you're talking about. People are buying your energy because they know you like and trust you. So we've created that experience on Gnostic TV. Geo, for
::April & Jay: you and I have been working on. It is is is to really help those messengers out there who do want to have a different edge, who do want to have something different? Who are who are saying, Well, my Facebook ads aren't working, or or my deliveries aren't working, or my interview style is not working. Look, you know, we get it. I mean, we've we've been in this world since 2010, and that's a long time when you think about the the consciousness of the Internet
::April & Jay: and and and we've seen we've seen a lot of what what people go through. And and what are the type of things that they get to the
::April & Jay: try to get to what they want? What are the types of you know, vehicles they use, and nothing beats like having your own show or having your own segment of sorts. If that's not, if it's like, you know, for example, if it's not in your
::April & Jay: you know, not in your bandwidth, or is maybe too much for you to say, well, I don't know if I can process, have my own show. That's what these anthologies are. Maybe you create a segment, a pre recorded segment that's moderated for you.
::April & Jay: So we do the work for you. We bring out the best of you, and then you're you're you're replaced that way. So you know, we're really covering the basis for people. And we invite people to really learn about that number one is, we do need to hear your voice out there, because you probably got something that a lot of us need in our journey in our lives. And and again, because of the way the dynamics of the Internet, and so much out there it gets convoluted. It's just what it is. So
::April & Jay: Gnostic continually strives to give every every speaker everybody out there a competitive edge in the marketplace, and that's always going to be. And that's that's going to be an ongoing thing that has to happen, because, as more and more people come on the more and more. You have to take a look at various ways to get noticed, and I feel like we stay ahead of that curve. Well.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I think so, too. And do you want to talk a little bit about what a funnel is, and how these could actually fit into your funnel.
::April & Jay: So a funnel is an initial contact. So, for example, if you if you think about we, we think in context of a sales funnel A, you meet someone they get to a certain point in the sales process if you would right. And so people use different funnels. They use landing pages they use. You know, they use a lead magnet pages. They use email lists, you know, whatever giveaways whatever. But you know what I found out. The best funnel is
::April & Jay: when you connect with an audience, because it's so much more. It's so personal. It's, you know, there's a real life human being on there. So, for example, if you have a show and you're interviewing someone, and that person that person is.
::April & Jay: has a similar business, but not so much similar, you know. Maybe they may be of value to your services. And when when you're interviewing someone at that level, and I want you all that have podcasts right now to think about this. And I want you all to those that have are about to have a podcast. To also think about this
::April & Jay: everybody buys something from someone all the time all day long. Why not that they buy it from you?
::April & Jay: So imagine you're interviewing someone. This is a great opportunity you built a connection with this person. It's a great opportunity for you to share your services about what you do, and when you've interviewed them they're very open to want to have a conversation with you, because now you've established a great rapport, it's been mutually beneficial. You've shown you've shown them like, hey? You know. Let me let me help expose your work and and help others find out about you. So people are going to want to do it. So
::April & Jay: you know. Listen, if you're not doing it already. And you and you continue listening. This. And you haven't looked into podcasting or some sort of media placement as a way for you to really maximize your funnel. Maybe maybe this is what leads into your traditional funnel.
::April & Jay: you're missing the boat. You're missing the boat, because we know how people buy again. It all gets down to this. No like and trust you, and everybody seems to. I shouldn't say everybody. A lot of people try to avoid that part like what that part it does, and they try to put in just the the process. If you would not, the actual connection part of it. And that's that's where that's where. Again, you'd be really good to look at this. But I'm I'm really happy that the ones that are watching this and listening to this, and I hope it is giving them value. Joe.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I hope so, too. And you know we we were talking about some other people out there like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: some other brands out there, I should say like Coca-cola and Steve Jobs and Nike and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Steve Jobs is a human being, was a human being, and his impact was so powerful. But even brands that aren't human beings. You feel something almost human about them because of the connection that they have created through their messaging. And
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: you know, yes, they're doing advertisements, but and they're selling products. But you're not hearing about the product so much as you're connecting with the big idea that they have. And we all have one big idea that we want to share with the world. I personally believe we're here to share with the world.
::April & Jay: Oh, yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And when you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: when you don't, you know, step into that, you're you're really doing a disservice to everyone else out there who's waiting for your message.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: People here who need you.
::April & Jay: There really are. Because you know what at the end of the day, let's be pragmatic and real about it. Nobody really ultimately knows why we're here. We can only speculate right? So while we're here, it would be good for us to learn from each other and make the best out of this very, very much of an unknown experience, you know, and that's where we live. We live in a very unknown experience. It's good, it's it's it's
::April & Jay: you know, it could be nerve wracking for many. It could be, you know, exhilarating for some, you know, whatever it may be. We we still need each other to help each other out and like you said, I mean, you know, there's a lot of people waiting for your voice. Want to know. What have you gone through? You may think that you don't have a voice, but you don't know until you start to open up your voice. You know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Exactly. Exactly. You just need to be the beacon out there. So you want to talk a little bit about how podcasting has allowed you to amplify your voice and monetize your message.
::April & Jay: Yeah. Well, so 1st of all, just by, just by, the speaking has opened up, like, you know, for those spiritual people out there. You'll understand this. I believe it's radically opened up my chakras and balanced up my chakras. It's aligned them a lot even more like, especially throat, Chakra. Obviously, but you'll be, you'll be amazed. So you know
::April & Jay: I would say, my favorite thing about it is the therapeutic benefits, the spiritual benefits of it, because when I'm talking.
::April & Jay: It's almost like I'm yes, I know I'm talking. I can hear my voice. But there's like downloads that come in all the time. It's like I'm opening up a channel, and I'm getting connected to, you know, whatever that is. I'm getting whatever one chooses to call that. But I'm getting connected to that. I'm staying connected to that, and it keeps me in the present moment. So I'm aware of things that are available to me, because that's where all the gifts are right, so I think everybody can agree on. If you can stay in the present and not wander too much.
::April & Jay: That's where you're going to find out the blessings and podcasting it trains your brain how to stay in the present moment, even if you're not in the moment of like what you and I are doing right now
::April & Jay: it. Just it it your mind gets to a discipline where it's like, if you're in present moment, and if you feel like your mind is wandering away from it. You learn to snap back, because again it just becomes a it becomes like it's almost like elasticity. I guess if you would, but it does really it does that. So that's been a big game changer for me, because I'm i i my mind. I'm you know. I think I'm pretty sure I have Adhd, or whatever you want to call it these days. You know.
::April & Jay: But I'm but I'm definitely this right here keeps me on laser focus, keeps me on track. It keeps me, keeps me in the moment I can. I can process well, I can intuitively tap in at a higher level. So there's that.
::April & Jay: and when you're at that level you become your peer. I believe you come closer to your more authentic self. And when you're closer to your more authentic self, then the things about money or what it is you're selling products. They just become a formality in existence of life. That's all they do. They don't become. They don't become the things that define you. You know what I mean. It's because you're just. You're just making it so. The 1st thing is is, I would say, is that it connects you with yourself at a
::April & Jay: probably the deepest level. I mean, you know. Maybe plant medicine might go a little bit radical on certain things for certain people. That's fine, do whatever you got to do. But I would say for those that are just generally saying, Look, I want to find a way to get this. There's no better way to figure out. You can sit there all day long.
::April & Jay: Try to write notes. I'm going to do this. I'm going to write this. I'm gonna meditate on this. I mean, you can do all this all? Listen. You can meditate for
::April & Jay: 22 out of 24 HA day. You are not going to get the impact. You're just not that this does to you, because what this does you open up your mouth? You don't just sit there and think about it. It starts speaking. It creates a vibration with the universe. The universe kicks back, lets you know if you're right on track or not, because you start to feel it, you start to trust it more. When you trust it more, you start to become one with it. When you become one with it, then you get what you want.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, I've had that similar experience with my own podcast. Where it it started out kind of
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: okay. It started out as a lark. I had this idea that I really wanted to share what everybody else was doing, because I was inspired by them, and the more that I talked to coaches. I learned what their problems were, because I have a different sort of background
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: than they have, but
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: in terms of marketing and getting their messaging right. But I learned so much. I continue to learn so much, and you make connections with these people, with people that you're interviewing. It's.
::April & Jay: Incredible.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And you're giving them a service. Because, you know, when you interview somebody, you're sharing their message with your audience, and it goes back to Gnostic TV again. You know, most of us have smaller audiences. But
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Jay's platform, the Gnostic TV network, has a huge audience. We're talking over a million people that this your content goes out to.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and it's getting exposed to, and I know not a million people are going to want what you have to offer, but the right people are likely to be in that community.
::April & Jay: Yeah, and that's all that matters is you find your vibrational matches, and you you get your place in the world. I mean, you're not here to save the world. You know you're you're here to. You're here to be a service for those who are looking for you, you know, you know. So you know. Listen, I mean, I know it's what it's like. It's a coach's world is a. It's a great. It's a great gig to be into. It's it's I've got a very good friend of mine. She's starting her coaching business, and you know, instinct told her
::April & Jay: she said the 1st thing she said to me, she said.
::April & Jay: Okay, I need to. First, st before I even get myself out. There she goes, and her words, I'm not going to waste my time on doing anything else. I know I need a podcast to get started because everything else is a waste of time. I've seen every and I decided to become a coach because her words I decided to become a coach, because I saw with the other coaches, and how they're falling flat on her face. And I realized there's a real opportunity here, because I can do a podcast and really make it. So you know.
::April & Jay: look at what your competition's thinking everybody right. It's like, that's what they're doing. They're going in that direction. They're seeing what other people are doing, and they're going the other way. So you know, and and
::April & Jay: working through our webinars we have, you know. We'll have a 1 on one. Consult with you, so you you can talk about your business what it is. Your dreams are very privately right. It's just, you know. It's all about you. So just, you know. Just let us know what you want what your desires are, where you want to see this. And you know it's just this is what we do, Jill and I, I mean, we've done this for a long time. We help, we help
::April & Jay: create. You know, the magic for people like you that are really disciplined on getting messages out there. We just help you do it at a way where you know it makes sense for you to continue that journey because you're making money.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. And the making money aspect of it is more than just
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: making money with your offers that we have a monetization mechanism that helps you actually make real income.
::April & Jay: Camps.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: And then that supports your ability to
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: help people in your in the coaching world. So and it's not about you selling anything. It's just a mechanism that we have found that works well in in your.
::April & Jay: We we practice.
::April & Jay: Oh, Jill, we crack the code, I mean, I would say, we practical code, we're seeing people make money
::April & Jay: would like for you to make money would like to be surrounded by people who make money, because that just makes more money for everybody. It is what it is. I don't make the rules.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, it's true. The the more abundance that you have around you, and the more you call into you it just
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: from the weirdest places, so
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I would encourage you all to do a couple of things at this point one is.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: listen to this again. Write these the 7 steps down, and think about how you're going to create your offer.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: build a simple funnel and leverage anthologies to expand your reach, because everybody and their brother can start a, podcast it's really simple. You just hop on Youtube. And
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: most people make it through 3,
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: maybe 4 episodes before they throw up their hands in disgust and say, nobody's listening to me. So we can help you with that also. And
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: and and we do that over in our community which is on Facebook. It's groups forward, slash mystic marketing. Join us over there and join us for a Monday. Monetize your message workshops. We're we're both in there. We're answering your questions. We generally have a topic that we're talking about. But you know, bring bring your business model. And we'll show you how you can
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: make it a podcast and monetize it and get you get you going on the right foot.
::April & Jay: I love it. I love it. And then book a consultation with us, everybody, because you'll be glad you did. We've done a lot of the work for you, so you'll just we'll just talk, and you'll see how.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. Yeah. And remember, every business starts with a clear offer and an audience ready to receive it. With these foundations in place and by leveraging powerful tools, like podcasting and leveraging our anthologies. Your online business can gain unstoppable momentum, join us next week as we talk about using collaborations to grow your business, and until then have a fantastic week. Everybody.
::April & Jay: Thank you. Everybody. Thank you. Jill.