Episode 2

Attract, Don’t Chase: Finding Your Ideal Clients with Authenticity

In this episode of The Mystic Marketing Podcast, we dive into the art of attracting clients instead of chasing them. Hosts Jill Hart, "The Coach's Alchemist," and Jay Matta, co-founder of Gnostic TV, share powerful insights on how conscious entrepreneurs can align with their ideal audience by speaking authentically and understanding their psychology.

Discover why people love to buy but hate to be sold, and learn the importance of building a community around your message. Jill and Jay break down strategies to connect with your ideal clients, including:

  • Defining your audience and their pain points.
  • Crafting messages that resonate on a deep, authentic level.
  • Using your voice to draw in your vibrational match—your perfect clients.

Bonus: Learn about the upcoming Monetize Your Mission workshop, a live and interactive experience designed to help you apply these principles to your unique journey. It’s happening Mondays at 2 PM—register now to join!


Next Episode Teaser: Amplify your spiritual message and take your marketing to the next level. Don’t miss it!

Tune in and start attracting abundance today.


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April & Jay: Welcome back everybody to mystic marketing. Podcast I'm here with Joe Hart, the coaches alchemist. My name is Jay Mata, co-founder of Gnostic TV. And today we want to talk about attracting, not chasing right? Because chasing sucks. Right? So this is what we want to talk to you about is a very effective way as a as a conscious entrepreneur in today's world. How to really attract those people that want to come in and buy from you not necessarily have to chase them, because



April & Jay: look at it this way. If you can understand the psychology of the person you'll understand that people love to buy. They hate to be sold. So think in terms of that when you're starting to communicate, and we're going to go more in depth on that. But, Joe, can you elaborate more on the principles of that piece.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: Absolutely, absolutely when it comes to attracting clients. People like to be part of organizations and movements and groups. They don't like to feel like they're weird and different and hanging out there all by themselves. So when you go to share your message with your core audience, knowing who they are, is



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: absolutely critical. So when you're getting ready to set up a podcast or a broadcast, you really want to focus on



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: who you want to talk to, who is your ideal client and make it so that you're talking to just one person.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: Give them a name if you have to, but you've got to really know what all of their pain points are, what the things are that make them really happy, and what the things are that they aspire to. And and really, when you're when you're crafting your content to talk to them.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: make sure you're hitting on all of those points.



April & Jay: So yeah, when you look at that, everybody, these are critical to learn all of that in today's world. And you're going to get all of this information, you know, when you go and see us more and more of us like this, we're going to help you break these barriers because you're destined to be prosperous. You're destined to, you know, attract people because you know we believe that you know when you speak your voice and you speak it with authenticity. Your ideal vibrational match or ideal tribe will come to you in the form of clients in the form of



April & Jay: abundance. However, that's supposed to be, but it takes you speaking your voice. It takes you coming from a place of authenticity. And that's what you're going to learn here today. So thank you everybody for hanging out with us, as you always do.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: Yeah, and we have



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: an exciting thing that we're going to be doing along with these podcast or yeah, podcast episodes is that we're offering a workshop. So as we talk about these different principles, especially in these 1st 5 core pieces of our, our podcast



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: that where you can come and actually ask us questions. Live, and we'll take your your situation and look at it individually. So be sure and check out



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: our workshop, monetize your mission, which is going to happen on Mondays at 2 Pm. And you have to register in order to



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: be part of it, because we're not streaming it anywhere. It's live and interactive. So we want to hear from you. We want to interact with you. We want, we want you to be part of this movement.



April & Jay: Yeah. And and really, just, I can't stress this enough. Everybody, you know, we're we're blessed to have what we feel as we crack the code if you would, as far as how to be able to have this all happen. So come and share this experience with us, share what your days. What's going on for you? Let us help you have a breakthrough. Come to the webinar it'll be a lot of it'll be a lot of fun. You'll get to meet the right people, and you'll find out who fits into your plans or not. So that's that's how this all goes right. So, Joe, it's always good to hang out with you. Thanks.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: Thank you, Jay, and we will be talking about amplifying your spiritual message in our next episode. See you then.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Mystic Marketing
Mystic Marketing
Attract, Amplify, and Monetize Your Spiritual Message

About your hosts

Profile picture for jay matta

jay matta

Jay Matta is the visionary co-founder of the Gnostic TV Network, a platform dedicated to empowering spiritual entrepreneurs and content creators to amplify their message and monetize their mission. With a rich background in business and a passion for multidimensional living, Jay combines ancient wisdom with modern strategies to help individuals create multiple streams of income while sharing their unique gifts with the world. As a seasoned podcaster and consultant, he thrives on helping others align their purpose with practical tools for success.
Profile picture for Jill Hart

Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.